Please Note: This page has become static effectivc October, 2000, since it will serve as a historical record/scrapbook as to what was going on in the wedding party's lives at the time of the wedding (10/7/00)... Therefore, much of the information contained below may be inaccurate or out of date! | ||
(aka Bridesmaids)
Charae McMorris (Sabe / Matron of Honor)
Charae has been one of my best friends since 5th grade! We survived growing up in a small town together, and have remained best friends even when we lived miles apart. Ironically, she lives in Texas (Austin) now too with her husband Jack McMorris (also a friend and groomsman) and her adorable kitties, Beavis and Bastian. Charae is one of those optimistic people that somehow manages to get me in a good mood no matter what. She is also a fashion goddess and a damn good cook. Charae is currently in the midst of decorating her new house and attending college... She will play the part of Sabe in the wedding, Queen Amidala's loyal decoy/ handmaiden.
Tiffany Bourgeois
Tiffany has been one of my best friends since high school. We took dancing lessons together for years before that, but didn't really start hanging out until our wild 2010 days. She was one of my main accomplices during my wild post-college days before moving to Texas. We had many fun "goth" nights in New Orleans and seemed to be attracted to the same loser guys..=P. Fortunately, she also is one of the best male bashers I know(just kidding) .. =) Tiffany is one of my most artsy and creative friends. In addition to her exceptional talents in dance choreography, she also sews and has a new found talent with pastels. She recently graduated from the University of Louisiana in Lafayette, Louisiana with a degree in performing arts.
Tricia Fleming
Tricia has been one of my best friends since my freshman year in college. She has seen me through more break-ups and break-downs than anyone except my mom maybe.. We had the same appreciation for "biscuits" in college and had many fun times in Orlando, Cocoa Beach, and at the "Village". She is definitely one of the most creative, caring, and talented people I have ever met! She sews (can we say bondage dress!), acts, sings, and is just an all around great person that I wish lived closer to me!!! Tricia is currently working in the computer industry and living in Melbourne, Florida with her main squeeze, Jeff, and two incredible kitties, Cage and Little Bit.
Leah Millet
Leah is my first cousin on my mom's side of the family and also has been one of my closest friends (and enemies) since birth (remember bitey monster?). Leah was a key player in corrupting my innocence and keeping me from being a total geek (really, I'm not!). We spent many nights in my early high school years cruisin' in the "booger", the "terd" or the "nugget", to party or just gossip. She is definitely one of the funniest and most entertaining people I know! She is currently assistant director at a fine daycare in Gonzales, Louisiana and lives with her husband, Chance Millet, and their children, Hayden, and Hollyn.
Tara Poirrier
Tara has been one of my best and most un-likely friends since high school, when we were on Dance Team together. Although she was probably way too cool in high school to hang out with geeky me, we shared an interest in Depeche Mode and a hatred of certain other Dance Team members that gave us enough to talk about to bridge the popularity gap. Since then, we have also gained a common appreciation of gourmet kitchen devices and fine alcohols such as Amaretto!! She is definitely one of the most confident and humorous women I know!! Tara is a computer whiz and currently lives in Galvez, Louisiana with her husband, Shane Poirrier and their two children, Blake and Cody.
Denise Spivey
Denise is my bestest friend here in Houston. We met shortly after I moved here, and was one of the few people I could convince to go to Numbers with me to look for long haired men. This girl is soooo funny, she should have her own show on Comedy Central!! In addition to making me laugh, she also shares my love of animals, thrift shopping, and psychotic workouts. She currently works for an accounting/tax type company in Houston and is also going to school. She lives with her main squeeze, Bosco, and her best friend Danny. ;-)
(aka Groomsmen)
Brian Efting (Best Sith) Brian is the brother of the groom and the "Best Man" in our wedding. He is currently working in Hong Kong and is accompanied by his really cool wife, Nancy. In addition to being a Star Wars fan, Brian is also a computer whiz and excellent musician.
Johnny Babin
Johnny is the brother of the bride and video game rival of the groom. Johnny is an incredibly talented writer and poet. He is addicted to Everquest and on-line chatting, but takes a break every once in a while to attend college at LSU.
Carl Babin
Carl is technically the uncle of the bride (although he's really more like a big brother), and shares an insane love of motorcycles with the groom. Carl lives in Gonzales, Louisiana where he has a cushy job working for Eatel, and and a strange love for alligators. Carl also has two adorable future rebel leaders, Austin and Chelsea.
Jack McMorris Jack is married to one of the bride's best friends, Charae, and immediately hit it off with the groom. They enjoy cruising on their Yamaha V-stars, talking about the newest computer technology, kicking butt on the Sony playstation, or just being chumps.. =P Jack is a computer genius and damn good saxaphone player (even if Ben doesn't like his singing)!
Corey Steckler Friend of the groom since college. Corey is a really cool guy that shares Ben's appreciation of fast cars and farts. Corey sells swanky automobiles in Houston, Texas and has a super-sweet wife, Clarissa Steckler. He also has an obsession with his really "slow" (according to Ben) Camaro.
Christian Jackson
Christian has been a friend of Ben's since they both worked at Healix Infusion Therapy. They share a common religion, following the prophets of music, computers, and Star Wars. When time permits, they enjoy employer bashing in hopes of finding utopia. Christian lives in Tomball with his beautiful wife, Cayde, and their jedi prodigy son, Joseph. If you want to know more, you can make the jump to hyperspace at http://www.geocities.com/chalja .